Category Astraverse

Blaze Lazarix

Full Name: Blaze Martín Lazarix Age: 24 Height: 6’2″ Birthday: August 11 Gender: Man Species: Blueport Human Power/Curse: Electric Elemental powers Weapon: N/A Nationality: American/Arkhangelski/Spanish Ethnicity: Northerner Arkhangelski/Spanish Birthplace: Grananda, Spain, Blueport Spoken Languages: Spanish, Russian, English Interests/Hobbies/Likes: American football,…

Species Info: The Hyasyn

What are Hyasyns?  Hyasyns are a species native to Blueport that possess the ability to survive both on land and in water. They are known as artisans, healers, and creatives. They are a Magica species and do not heavily rely…