Gianni Amato

Full Name: Gianni Amato

Title: Burning Star of the Dreamwalkers

Age: 20

Height: 5’8″

Gender: Male

Species: Blueport Human

Power/Curse: Necrotice Phantom Chain

Weapon: Pistol

Nationality: Japanese, Italian

Ethnicity: Italian

Birthplace: Venice, Italy, Blueport

Spoken Languages: Fluent Italian, near-fluent Japanese

Interests/Hobbies/Likes: Exploring urban environments, video games, anime, playing electric guitar, sushi, studying languages, spending time with friends, attending raves and music festivals.

Affiliation/Occupation: Black Diamonds agent, The Dreamwalkers guitarist

Location: Crusade Port, Japan

Personality: Gianni is energetic, confident, and outgoing. Draws attention to himself and can come off as arrogant or rude. He often starts fights and arguments, mostly just for fun. He is egotistical and always spontaneous – living his life to the fullest and having fun every step of the way.

Partner: N/A

Friends: X-O (close friend) Akane Shiwase (best friend) Ze (close friend) Konrad Vuhnhen (friend) Viktor Lothaire (best friend)

Enemies: Starline and associates


  • Gianni often refers to people as “Killa.”
  • Gianni is freaked out by a lot of things, getting spooked easily. He’s especially spooked by demon species, but doesn’t know why.
  • Gianni is slightly intimidated by women.

Backstory: Coming soon. :3

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