Inside my journal you can find my blog posts unrelated to the main topics of my website. I also post occasional photographs and other random stuff. :3
Recent Journal Entries 
Here’s a small collection of some photos I took on my flip phone – the kyocera 902kc. i love how charmingly “bad” these photos are honestly. but they’re so fun to take on...
photo from a few months ago when i made some kanelbullar – swedish cinnamon buns. wish i had pearled sugar for toppings but oh well ;-; 18...
i recently got this tiny alien plush from IKEA. i love it so much :3 16...
I took this photo right after finishing this drawing. I just thought it looked quite nice! :3 9...
StarSubculture – Connecting creative world wide websites. My latest project is called StarSubculture – an online community platform for creatives to showcase their websites and art! In this era of...

Some journaling inspiration, prompts, and stationary for you to use! 

(Click image and save them) All images found on Pinterest.