Viktor Lothaire

Who is Viktor?

Viktor is the third and final member I added to my OC band “The Dreamwalkers.” He is a talented VFX artist and vocalist with a stoic exterior, but a warm heart. Music and the visuals he pairs alongside his songs are his biggest passions. He loves to express himself through sound and creating unforgettable atmospheric experiences for his fans on stage.

Viktor's Basic Info

Full Name: Viktor Lothaire

Title: Complex Pulsar of the Dreamwalkers

Age: 26

Height: 5’11”

Gender: Man

Species: Dragonfaen

Power/Curse: Summonable draon wings, flight

Weapon: Colt ACR

Nationality: Japanese/American

Ethnicity: Cosmodorian

Birthplace: Lyceduna, Cosmodire, Blueport

Spoken Languages: English, Japanese

Interests/Hobbies/Likes: Parkour, retro video games, graphic design and VFX work, music production, screamo music, EDM music, coffee, mug collecting, irezumi art

Affiliation/Occupation: Ex Fection Military, first subject of the Orion Project, currently member of The Dreamwalkers and Infracore Insurrection agent

Location: Tokyo, Japan, Blueport

Partner: N/A

Friends: Gianni Amato (close friend, band member) Akane Shiwase (close friend, band member) Eden Park (close friend, work partner)

Enemies: Blood Court, Fection


  • Viktor’s right arm is a cybernetic prosthetic which he received from a third-party ripper after his arm got blown off in a battle during his time serving Fection. Fection refused to directly treat him.
  • Viktor lost contact with his birth family after joining Fection’s military, as contact with non-serving loved ones are forbidden while in service.
  • Viktor has a wide vocal range. He can sing well, but prefers to do screams for his music. He can do low and high screams.
  • Viktor had his dragon horns surgically removed as a cruel punishment while serving in Fection.
  • Viktor got American and Japanese citizenship and removed his Cosmodirian citizenship after he moved to Japan.
  • Eden and Viktor met online after Viktor started working in graphic design in Japan. Eden paid him to make a few designs for his clothing brand, but ended up keeping in contact due to being fond of Viktor’s designs and style. The two of them often visit each other to collaborate on Eden’s clothing designs, and also to spar each other recreationally. The two of them are since long time friends, and even though they do not communicate often, are always happy to see one another.

Viktor's Personality

Viktor has a tough and stoic exterior. He rarely shows his deeper emotions, preferring to maintain a no-nonsense attitude. He can be seen as intimidating and closed off. He is protective and deeply cares for his bandmates, who he considers his closest family. He will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being. Drawing from his military background, Viktor has a strategic mindset. He tends to approach situations with a logical and calculated perspective, analyzing risks and potential plans. He can maintain a level head even under the worst stresses. Viktor is remarkably resilient and resourceful, thriving in high-pressure situations, which makes him great at conducting extreme and complex live performances and productions for the band. Despite his serious demeanor, Viktor occassionaly shows a dry sense of humor. His deadpan delivery catches people off guard, but he tends to not notice it. Viktor has a strong sense of duty and takes his roles in Infracore and The Dreamwalkers seriously, holding himself to high standards. Underneath his tough exterior, Viktor guards his compassion and deepest emotions. While not openly expressing it, he shows through his actions his love, care, and support for his bandmates.

Viktor's Backstory

Viktor was born in the capital city of Lyceduna, Cosmodire. He was raised to prioritize his studies in school, but he made lots of time to engage in his early hobbies, which were music production and video games. As he grew older, he focused less on school and more on developing many interests like singing, parkour, graphic design and other art forms. Viktor’s parents were none the wiser while Viktor and his older brother Aaron flunked school. While Viktor was graduating high school, the Fection-Starline wars broke out, which swept Cosmodire into chaos. Aaron was drafted to fight in the war, while Viktor at 17 years old joined by himself help Aaron. Aaron advised against this, fearing for his brother’s safety, but Viktor proved himself to be a good soldier. He quickly picked up his hand at combat and fighting. He was skilled with strategic warfare, and climbed the ranks. Aaron left for a different division in the military which separated the brothers during the war.

Viktor felt pressured to stay in the Fection Army as the state of the country was far from improving. He gave up many of his passions to fight. While serving, he experienced severe and brutal abuse, trauma, and cruel punishments. He had his right arm blown off in battle and his dragon horns painfully removed as a punishment. When he turned 22, Viktor left the Army as he disagreed with Fection’s controversial practices and increasingly radical political moves. During his life, he watched Cosmodire decay under Fection’s corrupt ruling. After quitting, he quickly tried to get his life together. Luckily, serving granted him many benefits and a big paycheck so he was able to live off of freelancing graphic design and occasionally writing music. After a few months, Viktor met Gianni Amato online through an MMORPG game. The two became good friends, bonding closely over their love for music. Eventually, Gianni offered Viktor to move in with him in Japan, as the country has the strongest job market for artists like Viktor. He accepted, and soon moved over to Japan. He later met Gianni’s best friend Akane Shiwase. The two of them also became close, although Akane’s cheery personality contrasted highly with Viktor’s. The three of them became a close-knit friend group, and they would spend a lot of time together producing music. Akane proposed them to make a band, which was later coined “The Dreamwalkers.”

The band was a huge success, with their popularity growing exponentially within the first year. They had an extremely unique style which with the help of Viktor’s performance and music production skills, was elevated to the next level. Over a year later, Viktor got threats to rejoin Fection’s Army by the commander, Luca Volkovich. Viktor was a high-ranking soldier, but more importantly, an experimental soldier who had a highly advanced computer inserted in his brain known as the Orion. The computer allowed him to access vital intel and motor skills on a whim. This made Viktor one of the most valuable assets to the Army. Fection, after Viktor left, was under severe attack by Yun Vortex. The mafia launched a large-scale attack on Blood Court in order to retaliate from The Black Diamonds’ attacks. Fection was in desperate need of Viktor’s Orion, as he has the last remaining copy. Without the Orion, Fection was improperly equipped to defend themselves.

Fection’s threats persisted, which put Akane and Gianni in relative danger. Viktor thought of how he can defend the band against Fection, so he contacted Starline to request for help. The three of them were put under protection, but Starline failed to take any assertive action against Fection. The threats continued, eventually leading to attacks, which Gianni and Viktor fought off.

One day, a covert group in Cosmodire leading an underground rebellion against Fection, known as Infracore Insurrection, contacts The Dreamwalkers and offers Viktor a recruitment to the group. The three of them discuss this offer. Gianni was hesitant to help since he works with Fection’s ally. This upset Viktor, but he respected his decision. Tensions between the group increased as attacks from Fection became more frequent. Eventually, Viktor joined Infracore while Akane opted to stay out. Gianni eventually decided to leave The Black Diamonds after witnessing the harm Fection was doing to his own friends. He spoke to Alan Sorress about his decision and lies about his reasoning for leaving – saying it was to focus on the band more. Alan was reluctant to let him go, since they are in the middle of the Emulator Chase, which Gianni is a key member of. Regardless, Gianni asserts his right to leave with the encouragement of Viktor and Akane. Alan is left speculating if Gianni had alterior motives. The Dreamwalkers are now under pressure to not be caught by any part of Blood Court, or Gianni and Viktor would be punished for treason. Infracore promises to help protect the band as long as they help their organization. They must go on missions, which Viktor and Gianni are well-prepared for. Infracore urges the importance of keeping their involvment with the rebellion a secret. They must keep working in their band as a cover.

First Viktor concept sketches
Portrait of Viktor
Viktor sparring with Eden


  1. 💜This was amazing. Your stories are all so beautiful, and so are the lives & relationships you give your characters. I enjoyed his backstory and seeing more of his role in your intricate world.⭐️

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