Alan Sorress

Full Name: Alan Sorress

Title: Death of Diamonds

Age: 18

Height: 5’9″

Gender: Male

Species: Nereu God/Blueport Human

Power/Curse: Nereu powers

Weapon: Pistol

Nationality: Japanese

Ethnicity: Japanese/Titani

Birthplace: Crusade Port, Japan, Blueport

Spoken Languages: Japanese, English

Interests/Hobbies/Likes: Doesn’t have any strong interests or hobbies – mostly focuses on his work, though participates in whatever Kenzou likes doing.

Affiliation/Occupation: Leader of the Black Diamonds

Location: Crusade, Port, Japan, Blueport

Personality: Alan is cold-hearted, with no regard for anyone except for the affairs of the Black Diamonds and Kenzou. Alan has no empathy for the common man and will exploit anyone if it benefits him. He helps only those who can return the favor and will not hesitate to get his way no matter what. Alan often comes off rude and straight to the point – making crude jokes out of even the people he admires. He despises wasting time and always appears to be in a rush or in attempt to have full control over a situation. Despite his overall lack of energy for living a conventional life, Alan puts his all into his work in the Black Diamonds. He will always take an active role in missions and help his crew succeed.

Partner: Kenzou Akagi (boyfriend)

Friends: Luca Volkovich (ally) Neeko Loviano (friend/ally) Ze (closest friend/ally)

Enemies: Starline and associates, Toshiro Emori, Yun Vortex


Alan never learned of his Nereu powers.

Alan and Kenzou own a sugar glider.

Backstory: Coming soon. :3

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