I loved this challenge!
This past month I committed myself to an epic art challenge… draw for at least an hour every day for a whole month! Surprisingly, I managed to complete the challenge, yayy!! :D There are about 5 drawings I made this month that I am not including in this post for various reasons. Some of the pieces took me multiple days to complete, so of course I don’t have 30 drawings to show, only 16! But, 16 is still a lot in my opinion.
Let’s take a look at all the artworks I made, then I’ll tell you what I think of this challenge at the end. :3
Overall Thoughts
I really love this challenge. I had a lot of fun committing to making art every single day! I admit that now that the challenge is over, I’m taking a few days off from drawing to rest so I don’t burn myself out. However, I have SO many ideas of things I want to draw lately, and I think this challenge really inspired me!
I used this challenge as an opportunity to draw my beloved OCs, especially those who I haven’t drawn in a while. I also redesigned quite a few of them. I practiced some stuff too, like cyberpunk environment art and different poses and stuff. It was a good balance of learning and fun!
In conclusion, I would recommend this challenge! It didn’t feel too overwhelming, but you might want to modify the time and duration of the challenge if you feel like it’d fit your schedule or preferences better. Honestly, I thought a whole hour every day would be a lot, but I ended up just getting into the flow of drawing and typically drew way over one hour, usually several hours. So yeah! It was a great time!
If you tried this challenge or something similar, I’d love to read about your thoughts and experience in the blog comments :3
More About this Challenge
I also made a video where I talked about all the art pieces and discussed my thoughts on the challenge in more detail! If you want to learn more, please check out my video :3