Since making my video about why I think everyone should have a personal website, I got so inspired by everyone’s input! So many lovely people reached out to show me their website and I had the best time ever looking through them. I was inspired to make a few new additions to my own website as a result!
My Blog's Journal
AKA the part of my blog you’re currently on. My website was originally created to be a place to share my art, OC and Minecraft projects, but I wanted to make a “journal” section for my blog where I talk about and share unrelated content – maybe photographs, off-topic discussions, things I found on the internet that I want to share, etc. This way, I can also share a bit of my personal side with everyone!

Website Feature Wall
I got some suggestions to make a feature wall on my website to showcase other people’s websites – so I did! On the bottom of my homepage, I made a place where I can feature other people’s personal sites and let others discover new amazing corners of the internet. I love this idea because it encourages community within the personal webspace. I would like to make a video showcasing other people’s websites, too. I think that would be really fun. :)

RSS Feed
I honestly didn’t know what an RSS feed was until I got some comments about people mentioning it, so I looked into it. I honestly love the whole concept and am even more glad that people still actively use RSS feed readers to keep up with their favorite websites. I was asked to include a visible RSS feed on my website, so now you can find that on the top right corner of my header!

Sharing the Work of Others
There’s a concept in one of my favorite books, “Show Your Work!” by Austin Kleon that I always found really interesting. Kleon discusses the idea of sharing not only your own creations, but others’ too. I’d like to do that – to show my inspirations, what I read, what I subscribe to, what sites I visit, what music I love, what art and movies I look at. Because this is all art made by other people, and the art we consume is a big influence on our own creations. I think sharing the cool things we find on the internet is a great way to inspire others, as well as show them what inspires ourselves.

Newsletter (Luv Letters?)
I’ve set up an email newsletter that people could subscribe to since I originally created my website, because others advised me to have one. Well, I made it, but never really knew what to send out, nor did I have any interest in it, so I just never sent out any emails! But now after thinking for a while, I think I know what I’d like to do with my newsletter. I want it to be an alternative to subscribing to my RSS feed – basically, a weekly recap of everything new that I’ve shared. My blogposts, my YouTube videos, new artworks, etc. I also want to include a section for what I talked about above: sharing cool things made by others that I found on the internet that I think could resonate with some people. I also want to showcase other personal websites that I find so that we can discover new ones together! I’d like to call these emails “Luv Letters.” :D We’ll see how consistent I manage to be with them. But I think it would be a fun weekly activity. If you’d like to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do so below, just scroll down to where my footer is!

I’m really excited to keep expanding my website in new and creative ways. Thanks to everyone who decided to come along for the journey! And remember that if you ever want to share your own website with me, I would LOVE to hear from you. Just send me an email at: ♡
Yay!!! So excited to see what you have in store for your site<3 I love RSS feeds, thank you for setting one up! I just subscribed.
Hope your website keeps improving more, love all the design choices and how well put together it is so far!! ^̮^