The Impact of Oasis
If you grew up watching Minecraft videos on YouTube during the 2010s, you’ve certainly came across the YouTuber iHasCupquake – and perhaps even her Minecraft Oasis series. Like many other 2010s Minecraft fans, I remember spending my whole summer of 2013 watching Oasis. Then, I watched all her other Minecraft series! (My favorite is her 1.0 Singleplayer series)
I know that many people absolutely adored her Oasis series and all the awesome mods she played with. Well, to honor iHasCupquake and the legacy of Oasis, I decided to “remake” the modpack in modern Minecraft! Specifically, in version 1.20.1. However, I didn’t want the modpack to be an exact replica – I wanted it to have my own unique touch. So, I definitely added a lot more mods, but I made sure to include mods within the theme of the original Oasis pack.
The Oasis modpack is mainly characterized by:
- The animals (Mo’ Creatures)
- The dinosaurs (Fossil Archaeology)
- The epic biomes (Biomes o’ Plenty)
- The villagers (Minecraft Comes Alive)
There’s of course other mods within the pack, but I think these were the main stars of the show. Now, I had to find the equivalent mods for modern Minecraft, and compile an awesome Oasis-inspired modpack.
I made sure to stick with all the same themes as the original Oasis, with one little twist… The Twilight Forest mod! This is a classic mod that brings a whole new adventure to the game. And the best part, it’s still being updated to modern versions. So it’s a nostalgic mod – perfect for the occasion.
So let’s take a look at the new, revived modpack!
The Twilight Jungle Modpack

My version of the Oasis modpack is named The Twilight Jungle. This is because my goal wasn’t to make a replica of Oasis – it was to make a tribute to Oasis. A modpack inspired by the original, with a fresh twist!
I’m going to show you all the major mods, organized as “Oasis Classics” and “Modern Additions”
The Modpack's Oasis Classics
Oasis Mods
- Biomes o’ Plenty
- Familiars Mod
- Fossil Archaeology Mod
- Jammy Furniture Mod
- Minecraft Comes Alive
- Mo’ Creatures
- MatMos Sound Mod
- Forestry
- Industrial Craft
- RPG Inventory Mod
- Bibliocraft
- Rei’s Minimap
- Coral Reef
- Craft Guide
- Hamsters Mod
- Pam’s Harvestcraft
Twilight Jungle Equivalent
- Regions Unexplored
- Player Companions
- The Dawn Era
- Cozy Home/Fantasy’s Furniture
- MCA: Reborn
- Alex’s Mobs
- Ambient Sounds/Extra Sounds
- (Beekeeping now exists in vanilla!)
- (See above)
- Wardrobe/Spartan Weaponry
- Furnish
- Journey Map
- (Coral reefs now exist in vanilla!)
- Just Enough Items
- Hamsters
- Farmer’s Delight (and addons)
So, I wanted to include as many similar mods that referenced the original Oasis modpack as I could:
1. Even though Biomes o’ Plenty is available for modern versions, I wanted to use Regions Unexplored for a new look and feel on the world generation.
2. Familiars Mod. I’m sure you remember the familiar Navi, and her insistent “Hey, listen!” Well, the best I could find was Player Companions, which is similar in concept, just without the annoying Navi. :(
3. The series’ classic Fossil Archaeology mod was replaced with The Dawn Era – a truly EPIC prehistoric themed mod. The only difference is, the dinosaurs are still alive and roaming in the Overworld. A truly dangerous twist.
4. Jammy Furniture Mod was the main furniture mod for Oasis. Well, Twilight Jungle adds a plethora of furniture and decor mods: Chimes, Cluttered, Cozy Home, Fairy Lights, Fantasy’s Furniture, Furnish, Mr Crayfish’s Furniture Mod, Supplementaries, and more.
5. Minecraft Comes Alive was replaced with it’s successor: Minecraft Comes Alive: Reborn. A much more immersive and fleshed-out version of the original.
6. Mo’Creatures is a classic animal mod that is sadly not being updated. However, I included plenty of animal/creature mods, such as Critters and Companions, Alex’s Mobs, Monsters and Girls, Unusual Fish, and Ice and Fire. The only thing we’re missing is the domestic pet cats, bunnies riding on your head, unicorns, and Pegasuses.
7. MatMos sound mod is an important mention since we constantly heard it in Oasis – the ambient sounds of the jungle, birds chirping, sword slashing, tool clinking. I replaced it with Ambient Sounds, Extra Sounds, and Sound Physics Remastered.
8. & 9. Forestry and Industrial Craft. These mods were added primarily for beekeeping, which I decided to skip due to the fact that beekeeping now exists in vanilla Minecraft, and I couldn’t find any other compatible bee-themed mods.
10. RPG Inventory Mod added cool armor and tools for Cupquake to collect. I added Wardrobe for the extra customization, and Spartan Weaponry for the vast array of weapons. However, a lot of the other mods in Twilight Jungle come with cool armor and weapons!
11. Bibliocraft was mainly used for its storage and display shelves. Some of the furniture mods I added have shelves, notably Furnish, which includes shelves you can display your items on.
12. Rei’s Minimap was replaced with Journey Map. Waypoints, minimap, beacons, it’s all there and more!
13. The Coral Reef mod was skipped since the vanilla coral reefs are already so amazing.
14. Craft Guide was a screen often stared at – since Cupquake had to learn so many recipes. Well, Just Enough Items is here to save the day – and in a much more efficient manner.
15. Hamsters Mod was replaced with Hamsters! A different mod than the original, but still SO adorable.
16. Pam’s Harvestcraft was the main food and cooking mod in Oasis. Well, now we have Farmer’s Delight. The addon Cuisine Delight lets you actually cook your own unique meals!
The Modpack's Modern Additions
I want to mention some of my own modern additions to the modpack!
1. Better Combat – a super fun mod that overhauls the combat system in the game.
2. Born in Chaos – adds a bunch of scary and unique mobs, making gameplay much more challenging and thrilling.
3. DragN’s Bettas – adds fish and aquariums! I added this mod since you could make aquariums using Mo’Creatures, and I thought DragN’s Bettas would be a perfect substitute.
4. Embeddium and Oculus – the optimization mod that replaces Optifine in my modpack. Plus Oculus so we can use shaders!
5. Ice and Fire – this deserves another mention here because this mod is epic. It adds so many beasts and mythical creatures like dragons! Ice and Fire gives the game a whole new challenge and adventure to bestow upon.
6. Origins – play a unique race or class! Each option gives the player a new way of experiencing the game.
7. The Twilight Forest – this is the main “major” mod I wanted to add on top of all the classics. On top of all the other crazy adventures you can take in this modpack just like in Oasis, on top of that, now you can explore a whole new dimension with 9 new bosses! The best part is, the Twilight Forest is a classic and nostalgic mod, which is perfect for the revival of such a classic and nostalgic modpack.
There is a LOT of other mods in the Twilight Jungle modpack that are not mentioned here, so please do yourself a favor and try it out for yourself! The modpack is available on the CurseForge Launcher for everyone to enjoy.
Download the Twilight Jungle Modpack

Watch my 100 day series in the Twilight Jungle
Thank you, iHasCupquake <3
Thank you for making our childhoods and present days brighter. My modpack and series is dedicated to you, for everything you’ve done for us. <3
i miss watching ihascupquake as a child, i learned english mostly from her T-T
what seed did you use?
oh my gosh this sounds amazing!!!!! i am so excited to play with ur modpack when i get the time to!!!! thank you for putting this all together!!!!
You just healed my inner child. Been waiting for something like this for a decade! Thank you so very much!!